Thursday 31 July 2014

Billy Graham’s Son: Obama Officials Are ‘Anti-Christ’, ‘Hostile Toward Christians’

Reverend Franklin Graham, the son of iconic
Presidential adviser Billy Graham, is going on the
offensive against the Obama White House,
saying some in the administration are hostile
towards Christianity and even dubbed them

In an interview with Family Research Council
President Tony Perkins, Graham asserted that
there are people working in Obama’s White
House who are “trying to completely secularize
our military” and are “hostile to Christians”.

Graham even said that they are “anti-Christ in
what they say and in what they do.”
Perkins turned to Graham, asking “I would have
to believe you’re also tracking, in fact I know
you’re tracking because you were a part of it –
when you were scheduled to speak at the
Pentagon a few years ago they disinvited you –
are you concerned about this intense religious
hostility that we see manifesting in our nation’s

Graham replied “No question. And my son just
got back from his seventh [military] tour this
weekend. So, I love the military. There has been
huge pressure on the chaplains in our military –
and our chaplains have been a wonderful thing
for the military. But there is a move to get rid of
the chaplains in our country, and to completely
secularize our military. Actually, they are hostile
to Christians.”
Graham continued to accuse “some” in the
Obama Administration of being anti-religion,
saying “A lot of this is coming from this
administration and is being pushed by people
within the White House. And when I say White
House, I’m not saying the president, because
I’m not sure how much of this he’s aware of.

But it’s people that work for him that have
power, that are sitting in offices, and they are
hostile to Christ. They are anti-Christ in what
they say and in what they do. And they are
pushing this agenda into the military. It’s scary.”
After being asked if America can get back to its
principles, Graham said that our situation is just
like when “Israel turned their backs on God.”

“There was usually some type of calamity,”
Graham said. “There was a famine, there was a
persecution from their neighbors, nations would
come in and overrun them and destroy them.”
“I don’t know what’s going to have to happen in
this country,” Graham concluded, “but my
prayer is that America will wake up before that
[persecution] happens.”

Source: streetmail


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