Sunday 5 October 2014

Watch: Real-life Dwarf caught on cam! You will not believe your eyes when you see this

Supernatural beings are said to be present in our world. In the Philippines, many supernatural beings are believed to co-exist with us and influence us in our daily lives. Science explains that the possible existence of such creatures can be present in different dimensions, and those dimensions sometimes cross with ours. But have any of you experienced this merging of dimensions and/or have seen such creatures? A few months ago, a video posted in YouTube has gained worldwide attention as it was posted in Facebook and shared by some netizens. As Silvia (mother) was filiming her son Benjamin, it can be clearly seen that a tiny creature not of this world passed behind her son as the latter was playing. According to Silvia, this little creature came out from the kitchen to the garden to escape, leaving behind a foul smell and intense effect on her cellphone.

Benjamin’s family has always observed that the child was playing and talking tovhimself in his room and in the corners of the house until it was time to sleep, but had never worried them because they thought in his age, it was normal.
In January 2011, Benjamin was playing as always in the hallway when Silvia noticed a bit of uneasiness in the air and decided to film her son, and that was when she caught something bizarre.


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