Tuesday 14 October 2014

Surprise pregnancy produces rare set of twins without knowing that she Is pregnancy

It was an unexpected surprise for one Iowa couple. Shelby Magnani
gave birth to twins, and this was after she had no idea she was pregnant. But the surprise doesn't end there. "I had really sharp pain in my left side and went into the doctor, and they said we think you might be pregnant, told me I was 6 months and told me to get down to the ER, they did an ultrasound and told me it was twins," Magnani says. The twins' father is James Croskey. "It`s pretty nuts, still sinking in," Croskey says. Also sinking in, the twins already beat some very long odds. Dr. Jennifer Krupp of the Perinatal Center of Iowa says they are monoamniotic. "About one to two percent of all pregnancies are twins but even rarer than that is monoamniotic twins, they have one placenta and one amniotic sac and both of those twins share the placenta as well as the sac.' Monoamniotic twins face serious complications including a 50-percent survival rate.

"The entanglement of the cords is what we worry about, so we bring the patients into the hospital at 24-26 weeks, so we can monitor the babies several times a day, because we know the risk of one or both of those babies dying is fairly significant," Dr. Krupp says. Anna and Ava were delivered by C-section, weighing just four and three pounds each. The girls will spend the next several weeks in the hospital for monitoring but are expected to be OK.
The couple missed out on the worst part of having monoamniotic twins...the worry. Now they can just focus on the best part.

"I love them, I love them more than anything," Magnani says.



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