Friday 12 September 2014


World War 3 is on the tips of the
tongues of many , and now that Russia has fired its nuclear weapons as a show of force , Vladimir Putin is already warning the United States and NATO he believes this new Cold War 2 will cause a planned arms escalation in response to threats made over the Ukraine crisis .

In a related report by, even before
Russia invaded Ukraine , various U .S . investors and financial analysts were saying World War 3 is inevitable based upon history and economic cycles .

Earlier this month , Ukraine Defense
Minister Valeriy Heltey claimed
Russia ’s nuclear weapons could be
used against his country in a tactical
strike if tensions continued to
escalate .

“ The Russian side has threatened on several occasions across unofficial channels that , in the case of continued resistance they are ready to use a tactical nuclear weapon against us .”

Lithuanian President Dalia
Grybauskaite even claimed that
Russia is effectively waging war
against all of Europe. “ It is the fact that Russia is in a war state against Ukraine . That means it is in a state of war against a country which would like to be closely integrated with the EU .

Practically Russia is in a state of war against Europe , ” she said . “ That means we need to help Ukraine to … defend its territory and its people and to help militarily , especially with the military materials to help Ukraine to defend itself because today Ukraine is fighting a war on behalf of all Europe .”

Unfortunately , Russia ’ s nuclear bombs are increasing in number , not decreasing as was previously hoped all but 10 years ago. On Wednesday, the Russian military successfully tested a Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBM) launched from the nuclear submarine the Vladimir Monomakh.

The test nuclear missile flew from the White Sea near Russia ’s border with Finland and hit its target nearly 3 , 500 miles away on the Kamchatka peninsula north of Japan .

Fears of World War 3 have been rising in volume throughout 2014 , especially since Vladimir Putin has regularly been referencing Russia ’ s nuclear weapons lately .
According to Business Insider, he
recently said , “ Russia is one of the
most powerful nuclear nations .

This is a reality , not just words . ” Speaking on Russia ’s plan to modernize their nuclear arsenal, Putin claimed the U .S . and NATO should not be “ hysterical ” and said , “ We have warned many times that we would have to take corresponding countermeasures to ensure our security . ”

Putin plans on taking personal charge of the government commission overseeing military industries and their 2016 - 2025 weapons modernization program is focused on creating a “ guaranteed nuclear deterrent . ”

Regarding the power of these nuclear weapons , they have a range of 5, 000 miles and can create an explosion 100 times larger than Hiroshima . At the same time , the Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile has suffered repeated glitches that caused launch failures .

Much of Russia ’ s nuclear weapons capabilities were inherited from the former Soviet Union and haven’ t been updated significantly , nor does Russia have an effective missile defense shield system like the United States .



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