Thursday 11 September 2014


AMBULENCE and Khensani Magomani had no children in 26 years of marriage. . .
But now they’ve got triplets! Khensani (42) gave birth to two girls and a boy at Joburg’s Netcare Park Lane Hospital on 11 August.

“We couldn’t understand why we weren’t having babies. It hurt us very deeply,” said Ambulence (47) of Ximixoni village near Malamulele, Limpopo.

But God came to him in a dream and told him to have faith.
“He told me not to give up because my wife would some day be a mother of miracles.”

Khensani said: “Women in our village used to call me names. They told me I was useless.”
But Ambulence told her not to worry.
“He told me that God would not forsake us.” Ambulence said he used to find his wife in tears.
“I had to take Khensani for counselling,” he said.
He said he read the Bible and reminded her of miracle babies born to women who were barren
for a long time, like Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
Ambulence said they travelled as far as Nigeria to be prayed for.

This January, Khensani’s doctor told her she was pregnant - with triplets!
Ambulence said: “My wife is the mother of miracles! Never lose hope.”


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