Tuesday 30 September 2014


TURNING himself into a rat and stealing from people is a difficult life, said Simon. He wanted to get rid of his sangoma bosses and live like a normal human being.
Simon Mofokeng (20) from Dunusa, in southern Joburg explained to the People’s Paper how he used muthi to turn into a rat at night. “At night I go down to a stream wearing my sangoma clothes, carrying a wooden statue on my back like a baby,” he said. “Then I throw a bottle into the water and I wait. And soon I start turning into a rat that can get into any locked house.”
Simon did three years of twasa, but now he has become the slave of a sangoma boss. “I have stolen flour and money from many houses and the woman in charge of me pays me R1 000 a month,” he said.

But on Monday last week his dark secret came to light when he got caught in the outside toilet of Julia Nhlapho’s (52) house in Dunusa last Monday. “I was on my way to rob the house but I was tired and fell asleep in the toilet,” he said.

According to Simon, he must have turned back into a human being in his sleep, because he was caught at 1am wearing his sangoma clothes.
Julia said her son found Simon in their outside toilet. “I was using the indoor toilet and my son went to the toilet outside,” said Julia.
“Then I heard my son scream that there was a sangoma in the toilet.”
Simon apparently got through a gap in the top of the toilet door but he was caught again. Simon told Julia that he had been in her house to steal before and Julia confirmed her money regularly disappeared from the house.

“I always thought it was my son who was stealing my money but Simon could tell me where I had hidden my money and how much he had stolen.
“Then I believed him,” she said.
Simon was beaten by the community and was forced to take them to the four gogos that he allegedly works for. “But they denied everything,” said Julia.
A relative of Simon who did not want to be named said that as Christians they never suspected that their son could be involved in such evil deeds. “We want him to leave his life of darkness and be a better person,” said the relative.

Sangoma Ntsimb’edlezinye Ngema told Daily Sun it is possible for a human being to be turned into a rat.
“Very evil people use strong muthi mixed with a rat skeleton and something that belongs to the victim to turn him or her into a rat,” said Ngema.
“Rats can steal any small items like wallets, cash and SIM cards.”
Unemployed Simon said his sangoma boss cheated him because he was desperate for money. “It would be a lot easier for me if I had a job,” he said.



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