Tuesday 30 September 2014

Family of 5 Dies Mysteriously in Utah Home

A tragedy—and a mystery—arose Saturday night in Utah, where a couple and three of their kids were found dead in their home. Benjamin and Kristi Strack, 37 and 36, respectively, and their sons Benson, 14, and Zion, 11, as well as their daughter Emery, 12, were found—all together in the parents' bedroom—by another son and his grandma in the Provo suburb; police found no evidence of trauma and ruled out the possibility of a violent assault. Lab results are pending, and police say blood analysis is the next step, KSL reports. No carbon monoxide was found in the air, but an official notes that gas could have dissipated before the air was tested, the Los Angeles Times reports. "We haven't ruled out anything except there was no violent trauma," he says, as per the AP . "We're going to look at everything." Animals who lived in the home were uninjured, as were neighbors who live in the other half of the duplex.



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