Tuesday 9 September 2014


persistent prayers God has revealed to one of His servants a cure to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) as well as how it can be prevented from spreading further than it has come now. The process involvesjust a mixture of leaves and vegetables and the wails of West Africa would be over. That is according to the founder of Accra based Jerusalem Pentecostal Church, Bishop Prophet Laud Sowatey Lomotey. The 65-year-old man who was also the Greater Accra Regional organizer of the Positive Christian Movement (PoChrimo) which fought against Acheampong’s Union government and an Ambassador of the Universal Peace Federation also practices currently as a Herbalist and a Spiritualist. He claims he got the revelation on how to cure Ebola when he decided to commit to prayers to ask God for directions in view of the current outbreak that is threatening the Sub Region. “God has revealed the cure to me and it is very simple. He has asked me to meet the appropriate people and tell them to take action but am reluctant. I told God I don’t want fame so I cannot do it, then God asked me two serious questions which I wasn’t able to answer. “Do you want to wait for Ebola to hit Ghana before you try the medicine? Will you be able to apply the medicine alone from border to border?” He is therefore calling on the appropriate state institutions to get in touch with him for divine directions as to how to prevent the Ebola virus from entering Ghana and also how to cure it completely, adding that they must do so in time to avoid further disaster. Bishop Prophet Lomotey has prophesied that in the coming month of October Prez Mahama led government of Ghana will experience a lot of strikes and worker agitations which would be characterized by violent demonstrations. “There will be more strikes in the Month of October. More workers groups will agitate for salary increment among others.They will go on strike,” he told Spy News Agency in an interview. According to him, the demonstrationswill be so serious that if not carefully handled itmight lead to some serious casualties as a result of clashes between the police and demonstrators. “Most of the strikes will be motivated by the TUC and Organized Labor and other workers unions.” Asked about the cause of the impending demonstration, he said it is because some state institutions like the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) would be perceived as not carrying out their responsibilities well and this perception would pose serious anger to organized labor. He said it is a revelation given to him by God and he has been praying about it to avert the impending situation. On December 31, 2013, during his crossover church service Bishop Prophet Laud Lomotey gave some prophesies for the year 2014 and most of them have already come to pass. Some of these include the famous #OccupyGhana demonstrations and strikes, and the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. He prophesied that from May this year there would be a strange sickness in the West Africa sub Region and by June it would have escalated widely across borders. He alsoprophesiedthat two prominent clergymen were going to die in Ghana in the first quarter of this year. He prophesied about the poor performance of the Ghanaian currency (The Ghana Cedi) and gave the hope that by September things would begin to normalize again. All these have come to pass. Bishop Prophet Lomotey has a church and prayer camp at Tse-Ado, a suburb of Accra, behind the Ghana International Trade Fair Center where he holdsregular prayer sessions who have come for Ghana. When Spy News Agency visited the site we met people suffering from various illnesses who have come for solutions. Some of the cases were as serious as brain tumor and barrenness, but the Bishop says through prayers he will help solve all. He prophesied the death of Prof John Evans Atta Mills and gave the message to the driver of the President to deliver to him but it was not delivered. According to him, if the driver had delivered the message and action taken the situation would have been averted. Bishop Laud Sowatey Lomotey has been a pastor and a healer for the past 30 years, haven been ordained on October 1, 1977. His main tools are the application of herbs backed by prayers. He is a member of the La Local Council of Churches. By:ModernGhana


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