Tuesday 19 August 2014

Woman at centre of Ireland's abortion case speaks of suicide attempt

The unknown woman had been raped
in her home country before arriving in
Ireland and suffering "injustice"
Pro-life campaigners in Ireland in 2013, as the
debate continues today

The young woman at the centre of an abortion
debate in Ireland has spoken of her ordeal at
being denied a termination despite attempting
to take her own life while 16 weeks pregnant.
In an interview with The Irish Times , the
unnamed woman said that she had been
raped in her own country before arriving in
Ireland and seeking help from a counsellor.
She was told that travelling to the UK for an
abortion could cost €1,500 (£1,200), but being
unable to afford it, she decided to take her
own life so as not to have to bear the child of
her rapist. She was, however, disturbed
during the attempt.
“In my culture it is a great shame to be
pregnant if not married,” the migrant woman
said - her former country of residence is
She was admitted to hospital at 24 weeks after
displaying suicidal thoughts, but was told the
foetus was too developed, so began a thirst
and hunger strike.
READ MORE: Abortion debate flares in
'Suicidal woman' in Ireland was denied
Ireland abortion laws could breach human
There was then some confusion after three
experts concluded that she was suicidal. It
was reportedly agreed that she could have an
abortion – a decision that was later retracted
by the authorities leading to child being
induced at 25 weeks.
“They said the pregnancy was too far. It was
going to have to be a Caesarean section...
They said, wherever you go in the world, the
United States, anywhere, at this point it has to
be a Caesarean,” she said.
“When I came to this country I thought I
could forget suffering... The [C-section] scar
will never go away. It will always be a
“I still suffer. I don’t know if what has
happened to me is normal. I just wanted
justice to be done. For me, this is injustice.”
Video: Irish politicians discuss abortion law
this month
Hers has become a case that has tested
Ireland’s recent Protection of Life During
Pregnancy Act, legislation that had been
brought in to further clarify the law and
which states that abortions are allowed in
cases where a woman’s life is at risk,
including that of suicide, following rape or
The child is now in the care of the
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