Monday 4 August 2014


The arrival of Boko Haram to the
Nigerian scene during the
administration of the late President
Yar ’ Adua may have struck Nigerians
as a temporary nuisance that will
have its stay and then disappear . But
six years later , the Boko Haram
nuisance appears ever present in the
Nigerian scene more than it was when
it showed up.

Efforts by the Nigerian security
apparatus to curtail the emergence of
the Islamic Jihadist group have proved
little in terms of results rather it has
proved the opposite. Sensitive
information available to
247 ureports. com obtained through a
very competent source indicates that
the Islamic Jihadist has adopted the
Palestinian model of Jihadism in its
usage of young girls as suicide
bombers on buses and crowded
places .

According to the information
gathered , the latest move by the
Islamist Jihadist group to rain terror
in Nigeria led the leaders of Boko
Haram into a union - ship with the
leaders of Hezbollah to help recruit
and train young innocent girls as
potential suicide bombers for use in
parts of northern Nigeria. As
gathered , the partnership between
the Middle Eastern Jihadist group and
the Nigerian Jihadist group reportedly
have resulted in the successful
recruitment and training of over 177
young girls under the ages of 15 .
The source continued to reveal that
out of the 177 suicide bombers , 75
were already in Nigeria to execute
suicide missions in three northern
States of Katsina , Kano and the
Federal Capital Territory [FCT] , Abuja .

The types of attacks, the source
indicates would not take the shape of
attacks that the Nigerian security
authorities are used to , or would
anticipate . “ The year will end as the
year of Boko Haram” says the source
as he tried to emphasize on the
preparedness of the Islamic Jihadist
group in unraveling the polity before
the campaigns for 2015 .

The source who claims to have full
access to the Islamist group explained
that the group has become highly
tuned into the politics of Nigeria in
the sense that it intends to shape the
outcome of the presidential elections
in 2015 to favor a Muslim candidate .

He explained that the attack on
Malam [ General] Buhari was largely
part of the 2015 equation. He
explained that their preferred
candidate for the office of the
presidency was the person of General
Buhari . But Buhari ’ s recent and
sudden criticism of the Islamic group
angered the group immensely
because , according to the group ,
Buhari ’ s credibility within the north
may add a big bite towards
discrediting the Boko Haram in the
north .

The source notes that the Boko
Haram group perceives themselves as
well accepted by the ‘ core ’ Islamic
north . For this reason , criticism
coming from a person in the stature
of Malam Buhari may cause many
within the core Islamic north to back
away from secretly supporting Boko
Haram . The Islamic group did not
want Buhari criticisms to continue to
become his campaign mantra for
2015 .

Efforts made to contact the State
Security Services [SSS ] in Kano
concerning the threat of increased
suicide bombers on the offing but the
SSS Director in Kano failed to respond
to our requests . However a top
security boss in Abuja spoke to our
correspondent off the record. He
confirmed that intelligence reports do
indicate that more suicide bombers
are on the way and that plenty have
already arrived the country . He also
added that the system is to corrupt to
fight and combat the terrorist . In his
words , “ insurgency can be defeated if
the security agencies are overhauled .
But for now it is a money making
venture ” .

See Their Photos Here >>